Set thirteen years in the future, The Amphibians takes place in west central Florida shortly after we've passed the point of no return in the fight against climate change. When two high-schoolers unearth a wondrous discovery in the woods, they learn hard lessons about the evolution of friendship and what it means to take care of something at the end of the world.
- Production, Sundown Collaborative Theatre (July 2025, upcoming)
- Production, Think Tank Theatre (August 2024)
- Production, Cypress Productions (August 2024)
- World Premiere, Weber State University (February 2024)
- Selection, Think Tank Theatre TYA Playwrights Festival (2023)
- Finalist, Eugene O'Neill Theater Center's National Playwrights Conference (2020/2021)
- Semi-Finalist, Princess Grace Awards Playwriting Fellowship (2021)
- Selection, JOOK First Look Series (2021)
- Semi-Finalist, Garry Marshall Theatre's New Works Festival (2021)
- Selection, Pegasus PlayLab (2021)
- Selection, Kitchen Dog Theater's 22nd Annual New Works Festival (2020)
- Selection, Wasatch Playwright's Residency (2020, postponed)
- Finalist, Hyde Park Theatre's New Play Workshop (2020)